Cavendish Uganda

Bachelor of Education - B. ED

The programme has the following teaching subjects:

Bachelor of Arts with Education (Civic Education and Religion) (English and Geography) (Mathematics and Religion) (Mathematics and English) (Mathematics and Geography) (Mathematics and Civic Education) (English and Civic Education)(Religion and English) (Commerce and Accounts)(Mathematics & ICT).

Eligibility Criteria:

The pre-requisites to the programme is a Full Grade Twelve Certificate or Advanced Certificate or Diploma from a recognized Institution.

Credits: 1200

Duration: Minimum 4 years and Maximum 6 years

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SS111 Study Skills
EDU112 Philosophy of Education
EDU113 Sociology of Education

Choose Two (2) Teaching Major from the following:

CME111 Commerce, Production and Trade & ACC111 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ENG111 Introduction to Language and Linguistics & GEO111 Introduction to Physical Geography
MAT111 Foundational Mathematics & CVE111Introduction to Civic Education
MAT111 Foundational Mathematics & REE111 Introduction to Religious Education
REE111 Introduction to Religious Education & ENG111Introduction to Language and Linguistics
MAT111 Foundational Mathematics & ENG111Introduction to Language and Linguistics
MAT111 Foundational Mathematics & GEO111Introduction to Physical Geography
ENG111 Introduction to Language and Linguistics & CVE111 Introduction to Civic Education
CVE111 Introduction to Civic Education & REE111 Introduction to Religious Education
MAT111 Foundational Mathematics & ICT113Introduction to Computers
EDU122 Educational Administration & Management
EDU123 Development of Special Education
EDU124 Psychology / Human Growth & Development

Choose the Relevant Teaching Major for Level 2 and One Minor from Level 1

MAT121 Algebra, probability and statistics & COM211 Computer Programming I
CME121 Commerce and aids to trade & ACC121Final Accounts and Adjustments
CVE121 Social and Economic Development & REE121 Church History
ENG121 Language for academic writing and other specific purposes & CVE121 Social and Economic Development
ENG121 Language for academic writing and other specific purposes & GEO121 Environmental and Human
MAT121 Algebra, probability and statistics CVE121 Social and Economic Development
REE121 Church History & ENG121 Language for academic writing and other specific purposes
MAT121 Algebra, Probability and Statistics & ENG121Language for Academic Writing and Other Specific Purposes
MAT121 Algebra, Probability and Statistics & GEO121 Environmental and Human Geography
MAT121 Algebra, Probability and Statistics & REE121Church History
EDU211 Human Learning Psychology
EDU212 Social Psychology
EDU213 Development of Education in Zambia

Choose the Relevant Teaching Major for Level 2 and One Minor from Level 1

CME211 Transport, advertising and banking & ACC211 Bank Reconciliation, Control Accounts and Manufacturing Accounts
CVE211 Gender and Development & REE211 Philosophy of Religion
ENG211 English Phonetics & CVE211 Gender and Development
ENG211 English Phonetics & GEO211 Urban, Rural and Population Geography
MAT211 Calculus I and Matrices& REE211 Philosophy of Religion
EDU221 Contemporary Issues in Education & EDU222 Measurement and Evaluation Psychology
REE211 The Philosophy of Religion & ENG211 English phonetics
MAT211 Calculus I and Matrices & ENG211 English Phonetics
MAT211 Calculus I and Matrices & GEO211 Urban, Rural and Population Geography
MAT211 Calculus I and Matrices & COM212 Database Management Systems
EDU221 Contemporary Issues in Education
EDU222 Measurement & Evaluation Psychology
EDU223 Teaching Methods

Choose the Relevant Teaching Majors

CME221 Business Units & ACC221 Partnerships and departmental accountsGEO221
CVE221 Peace and Conflict Studies & REE221 African Traditional Religion
ENG221 English Morphology & CVE221 Peace and Conflict Studies
ENG221 English Morphology & GEO221 Geography of Zambia and Africa
MAT221 Vector algebra and Calculus & REE221 African Traditional Religion
REE221 African traditional religion & ENG221 English Morphology
MAT221 Vector algebra and Calculus & ENG221English Morphology
MAT221 Vector algebra and Calculus & GEO221 Geography of Zambia and Africa
MAT221 Vector algebra and Calculus & COM312 Ethical, Social and Professional Issues in ICT
MAT221 Vector algebra and Calculus & CVE221Peace and Conflict Studies
EDU311 Guidance & Counseling Psychology

Choose the Relevant Teaching Majors

CME311 Foreign Trade, ACC311Company Accounts, ACC312Business Studies Teaching Methods
CME212 Financial Accounting II.
CVE311 Constitution and Constitutionalism, REE311 World Religions, CVE312 Teaching Methods in Civic Education
REE312 Teaching Methods in Religion Education
MAT311 Ordinary Differential Equations, COM411E-Commerce, MAT312Teaching Methods in Mathematics
COM311 Teaching Methods in ICT
MAT311 Ordinary Differential Equations, GEO311Geography of Development, MAT312 Teaching Methods in Mathematics, GEO312Geography Teaching Methods
MAT311 Ordinary Differential Equations, ENG311Anglophone African Prose Fiction from the 1960s to the present
MAT312 Teaching Methods in Mathematics, ENG312English Teaching Methods
REE311 World Religions, ENG311Anglophone African prose fiction from the 1960’s to the present, REE312Religious Education Teaching methods, ENG312English Teaching Methods.
MAT311 Ordinary Differential Equations, CVE311Constitution and Constitutionalism,MAT312MathematicsTeaching Methods,CVE312Teaching Methods in Civic Education.
MAT311 Ordinary Differential Equations, REE311World Religions,MAT312Teaching Methods in Mathematics,
REE312 Teaching Methods in Religious Education
ENG311 Anglophone African prose fiction from the 1960’s to the present, GEO311Geography of Development, ENG312 English Teaching Methods,GEO312 Teaching Methods in Geography.
ENG311 Anglophone African prose fiction from the 1960’s to the present, CVE311,Constitution and Constitutionalism
ENG312 English Teaching Methods, CVE312Teaching Methods in Civic Education
EDU321 Teaching Practice
BBA413 Research Methods
EDU412 Curriculum Studies

Choose the Relevant Teaching Majors

EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, CME411Stock Exchange and Marketing, ACC411Specialized Accounts
EDU41 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, REE411 Psychology of Religion, CVE411 Governance Participation and Human Rights
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, COM413Web Design and Development Technology,MAT411Selected Topics in Mathematics
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy,GEO411 Research and Quantitative Methods,MAT411Selected Topics in Mathematics
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy,ENG411 English Syntax,MAT411 Selected Topics in Mathematics
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, HIS411History of Southern Africa since 1800, ENG411English Syntax
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, HIS411History of Southern Africa since 1800 MAT411Selected Topics in Mathematics
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, REE411Psychology of Religion, MAT411Selected Topics in Mathematics
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy,GEO411 Research and Quantitative Methods,ENG411English Syntax
EDU413 Educational Technology & Digital Literacy,CVE411 Governance, participation and human rights ENG411 English syntax